Friday, February 26, 2010

Atheism- a battle against the existence of God in a war against God?

Atheism has been in the world since the beginning mankind (Its doesn't matter if you believe in humans come from ape through evolution OR that God/god created human). Atheism is simply a thought/knowledge/ belief (Atheists nowadays strongly disagree with the term of atheism as a faith or belief), so atheism is simply a knowledge that "God" or "god" does not exist. Nowadays, even the word "God" or "god" is a hotly debate word in the existence of God/god.

But why a sudden surge of atheistic activism or movement in the past 20 or 30 years? I do not know exactly why but I believe that hypocrisy in the Church has been one of the major causes. Do not get me start going on the hypocrites in churches today, I myself find it very hard not to become one in today's society.

Atheism blossoms into many thoughts and even into different categories. It also gave rise to agnosticism and many more lately.

The very fact is that

1) God/god will not be more real, more "existing" if there is more people believe in God/god

2) god/God will not be less real, less "existing" if there is more people "know" that there is no god/God.

Christians say God exists beyond the universe while Atheists say god is non-existence.


1) Christians must remember that their faith in God doesn't give them the right to judge or condemn Atheists but an absolute right to educate them.

2) Atheists must that their knowlegde in the inexistence of god doesn't give them the right to judge or condemn Christians but an absolute right to educate them.

An argument against the abuse of it is not an argument against the use of it. An argument in the abuses in God's name is not an argument against the existence of God.

Therefore it is important to get certain issues clear before engaging in the debate of the existence of God.


p/s: That's all I have to say for now since I have not posted for a very long time

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