Sunday, August 22, 2010

The predicament unwanted pregnancies

This recent article posted online "The trials of teen mothers" has bring a rather different perspective for reasons leading to child/baby dumping. The mistake might be the same elsewhere but the journey is still much different from the western societies. Traditional asian values still hold unmarried pregnant ladies as disgraced group.

However, the family must realize the universal value of support and love for any family member that has made a mistake, in the case an unwanted pregnancy.

Western values might differ with Eastern values of treating unmarried pregnant family members but it is time for the families in the East to adopt a culture of receptivity and forgiveness and support for a member that fell into the mistake of unwanted pregnancies.

Parents who were too busy in building material wealth have forgone the importance of building a relationship with their children.

Education policies and educators continue to shun the importance sex education.

Society's continue emphasis of the "feel good" factor rather than the "do good" factor is mainly be blamed. Profit-minded culture in business rather than charitable-minded culture. The ever greed for more money and physical pleasure has brought cast a shadow over the good spirit of human nature.

In the end of the day, the ever increasing cases of baby dumping holds everyone in the society accountable that includes myself. Let us all change our heart and minds for society that is caring, loving and charitable.


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