Thursday, November 8, 2012

America has decided. Malaysia, around the corner...

President Barack Obama has been re-elected as the President of United States of America for the second-term. Congratulations! America! One of the most prominent anti-Obama figure is no other than Donald Trump who has been one of the richest and most vocal critic. It is understood that a great majority from the middle class america voters voted Obama for his representation from the middle-class. When the middle-class who forms the majority decide on some very important events, it usually frustrates the upper class the most, because any decision made by the middle-class usually are not favourable towards the upper-class who gain their wealth at the expense of the poor and average, I repeat "the upper-class who gain their wealth at the expense of the poor and average", so there is nothing wrong if you work hard and smart and God-honouring ways to gain wealth and be rich, in fact you deserve it.

Malaysia is heading towards the most anticipated General Election since Independence in 1957, the 13th General Election which must be called by April 2013, will be the "Mother of all General Elections" in Malaysia.

Both Ruling Party and Opposition Party are working hard to win votes but what is most important we want a party who upholds justice, honour, integrity, transparent and democratic to rule the country.

The first step to fight rampant corruption in this great country of Malaysia as a voter is to vote out corrupt leaders. Making sure corrupt leaders are in no where near in determining the country's policies and future.

so ...Speak Up! Vote Right!


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