Monday, December 10, 2012

Lynas' plant waste out of Malaysia OR Lynas Corporation out of Malaysia

December 10, 2012. Four Malaysian Cabinet Ministers responsible directly for the Lynas Rare Earth Refinery Plant:

1) Minister of International Trade and Industry, DS Mustapa Mohamed
2) Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, DSP Dr. Maximus Ongkili
3) Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, DS Douglas Embas
4) Minister of Health, DS Liow Tiong Lai

issues a joint-ministerial statement today instructing Lynas to comply that all residue and by products from the rare earth refinery plant in Kuantan are to be removed out of the country and a failure meet that requirement will result in the revoking of its operating licence.

Therefore, Lynas has no choice but to ship its waste out of Malaysia! All Lynas has to do now is to comply with that condition and provide evidence and a transparent process with independant observers of its waste and by-product removal out of the country.

Any further delay in Lynas' commitment and compliance should warrant an immediate revocation of its operating licence issued by Atomic Energy Licensing  Board (AELB) of Malaysia and an immediate ceasure of its operation.

If AELB fails to take action against Lynas' failure to comply, then I support Democratic Action Party's (DAP) call for an immediate resignation of the four responsible cabinet ministers. In addition to that, Prime Minister must also bear responsibility for appointing four incompetant cabinet ministers.

So, I thank the Government of Malaysia for issuing this "ULTIMATUM" to clear the air once and for all.

So, I am expecting Lynas Plant's waste out of Malaysia OR Lynas out of Malaysia  within a very short period of time and this will convince me and the public of the Barisan Nasional's Goverment's "PROMISE FULFILLED" / "JANJI DITEPATI" campaign.

As for now, it seemed that Lynas Corporation has fail to do enough "homework and study" about investing and setting up the controversial plant in Malaysia. In short, Executive Chairman of Lynas Corporation Nic Curtis should resign for this poor corporate decision that cost the company dearly. Another person that should resign is Lynas Malaysia Managing Director Mashal Ahmad which is reportedly said that residues from Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) will not be exported as to abide with International Convention that prohibit the export to toxic waste to overseas countries. It shouldn't be any problem of exporting the waste if it is NOT TOXIC as claimed by many citing certain "Independant Scientific Evidences".

The conclusion should be either

The resignation of four Malaysian Cabinet Ministers


The resignation of Nic Curtis and Mashal Ahmad

May God's will de done in truth and justice as it is in heaven



  1. Leave religion out of your politics

  2. Thank you for your comment. I believe that there should be line between religion and politics but both cannot be segregated completely. Lynas' Plant's waste and by-products may be hazardous to the environment and the people that lives nearby. Since God tasked men to look after and care for His creation, we are obligated to look after it, in which the responsible parties of the Lynas Rare Earth Plant are Lynas Corporation and the Malaysian Government and its agencies. If the responsible parties do not care about God's creation, then we as citizens should demand accountability from the responsible parties.
