Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Young sisters who lost their hair cast off their wigs and go to school bald..."

This is must read beautiful article. As an alopecia areata patient, I feel inspired and extremely proud of these two beautiful girls and yes I am thankful to know them and their family personally.

"Together promoting Alopecia Awareness., we're humans too."

Please click on the topic for the article " Young sisters who lost their hair cast off their wigs and go to school bald..."

Emily and Faye, you both are truly pretty and brave heroes!

God bless


Monday, December 7, 2009

Having a bad day?

Just a quick update to let those who read this blog that I'll be busy for the next couple of latest post is posted on another blog "Having a bad day?" (Click here)

Hope you enjoy the post. God bless us everyone.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Double standard

The worst of kind of malpractices is double standard. Two different sets of law or policies for people of different status.

More power, more wealth and arrogance are the hardcore pillars of greed and selfishness in one's heart. The rich and oowerful have always been given a bigger say in everything (in the society) compared to the less wealthy and less fortunate. Unfortunately, this has been going since the dawn of mankind and will persist for generations to come until greed and selfishness no longer have place in one's heart.

Even the voices of poor need influential and rich people to get their attention across. It reminds me of a great humanitarian, none either than Mother Teresa whom gave up her life to serve the poor among the poorest. Her dedication and sacrifices are no doubt for others. Despite the harshest and most ridiculous crictisms mount her work, she never gives up in what she believes.

I believe that Mother Teresa's work and her love for the poor and the hungry itself is a powerful voice itself against the arrogance of wealth and power.

Any solution to wipe out greed and selfishness in the hearts of man?

None other than a simple answer: LOVE.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Atheism or Anti-God?

This is my personal response to the above youtube posting about atheism:

  1. Atheism -There in no GOD (Absence of God)
  2. Theism- There is GOD

just like:

  1. Darkness- There is no LIGHT (Absence of LIGHT)
  2. Brightness- There is LIGHT


  1. The dead- There is no LIFE (Absence of LIFE)
  2. The living- There is LIFE

Why such an extensive character assassination of God? If one think that God does not exist, just say "There is no God", end of story. The effort put on creating the youtube posting above, implies to me that the author is "engaging" in a battle against the existence of God in a war against God. (I have no problem if atheists present their facts and information explaining about the inexistence of God but such a character assassination of God is most immature)

The video above sounds more like "Anti-God" to me more than explaining the facts and information that God does not exists.

God will not become "MORE GOD" if there is more people believe in Him neither God will not become "LESS GOD" if there is more people believe that there is no God. The majority does not simply just make God exists or dissappears.


Friday, October 23, 2009

You are my all in all...

You are my all in all
With faith, let us all give praise to our Lord!

~ I have been really busy for two weeks and now I will take another week off before I further discuss on various issues.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

The World's Greatest Dad.

Do you remember when we get our dad the cup with "The world's greatest dad" word on it on Father's Day? It is an award to all the dads out there (Dads who own that cup). I believe that if we could only name a person to the world's greatest dad award, it would be no other than the father who love his son so much, that he would run a marathon, trialthon , the ironman trialthon for many years for his son. Please enjoy and be touched by the video clip below.

He truly loves his son so much. It would be a challenge to all dads out there, including myself (If I ever become a dad). It's truly demonstrate an undying love for a person. Evenmore, the father truly reflect the image of God, whom all of us are created in the image of God.

For those without dads out there, do not be wary for you too and in fact all of us has one Heavenly Father who loved us so much that He sent His only begotton Son , Christ to suffer to the point of death in our place. Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ truly lives.

We are thankful that Team Hoyt continue to be an undying inspiration for us all. The father who loves his son so much and dearly and how much the son believe and trust in his father. Bless them both. Team Hoyt! Thank you! Cheering you both all the way!

God bless us all and thank God for being our Heavenly Father for loving us so much!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An emaciated and malnourished child

Kevin Carter's 1994 Pulitzer Prize award-photograph.

"In March 1993 Carter made a trip to southern Sudan. The sound of soft, high-pitched whimpering near the village of Ayod attracted Carter to an emaciated Sudanese toddler. The girl had stopped to rest while struggling to a feeding center, whereupon a vulture had landed nearby. He said that he waited about 20 minutes, hoping that the vulture would spread its wings. It didn't. Carter snapped the haunting photograph and chased the vulture away. However, he also came under heavy criticism for just photographing — and not helping — the little girl:

"The man adjusting his lens to take just the right frame of her suffering might just as well be a predator, another vulture on the scene "

- Adapted from

While people continue to harp on criticsms directly on Kevin Carter, let us look at the bigger picture. Thousands or even ten of thousands of human (no lesser than those who are reading this from the computer screen) die everyday because hunger and malnutrition. How much longer that the world must go on like these?!!!

In humility and with deep regret, I have not done enough and have never being doing enough to assist in alleviating the sufferings of poverty and hunger that hundreds of millions people are facing at the very moment.

The picture has such a deep impact on me that it has changed the entire course of my life personally. No child should go to bed in hunger. The world according to FAO (United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation)is producing nearly twice the amount of food/resources that required by the current 6.7 Billion human beings. In January 2009, FAO estimates that 1.02 Billion/ one-sixth of the world population is malnourished.

As ordinary citizens of the world, we should realize how lucky for those who are reading this from the computer screen (One assumes that when you own a computer and internet connection, you should not be malnourished). It is not only for us to realize how lucky we are but also to take action to HELP our fellow humankind. Living in ignorance and greed must not be our way of life eventhough it has encroached deeply into our society.

Back to Kevin Carter's award winning picture. We may never know if the emaciated girl in the picture survived the day after the picture was taken eventhough we all hope that she does and still living today. Everyone is responsible when a fellow human die in hunger, especially for those who know that this is happening. Let this picture change our course of life, living a life to honor God (for those with faith) by sharing our fortunes with the less fortunate, for others, may it serve as a wake-up call that we are just ordinary people nothing more special than the girl who struggled to a feeding station while being watched by a vulture.

There is no person on earth that could be untouched by this poignant picture unless that they're heartless. It is true that charity begins at home, conserve resources and let not a single grain being flushed away as watse from today onwards, start looking for viable and reliable route to help a child or a community battling poverty and hunger even with a penny/ a cent a day from tonight onwards.

Let us not repeat the mistake that Kevin Carter had done. Let us lend our hand and a reassuring embrace with love and encouragement to the less fortunate today starting with a prayer now.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi's extended house arrest

Today 11th of August 2009, a Myanmar court in Yangon sentences Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to an (another extension) 18-months house arrest due to an alleged "violation" of her house arrest order in May 2009 which has been extended unlawfully and immorally multiple times since 2000. The alleged "crimes" that put her under such extensive unjust series of continous house arrests are controversial, or simply because she is elected democratically as the Prime Minister of Myanmar in 1990.

An oppressive junta-military controlled government has refuse to allow the living symbol of democracy walk as a free woman again. Simply because of the fear of democracy, the fear of what is right and good.

The 64 year old world icon for democracy and freedom ; victim of ultimate oppression and tyranny has spent 14 years for the last two decades mainly under house arrest.

As the world outcrys the lastest unlawful and immoral verdict of an partial / biased Myanmar court (none to the suprise of many in the world) delivered on 11th August 2009. It is another wake-up call that oppression, dictatorship, tyranny, draconian, ruthless, merciless and harsh leadership cannot be allowed to govern in any organisation, council, state and nation!

This latest round of oppression must be condemned absolutely without reserves!

Free Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and return democracy and rule of law and mercy to the people of Burma!

All unjust and merciless actions will not be left unnoticed and ignored as long as God- the Guardian of all that is good lives.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Terry Gallagher - An inspiration from heaven

Hello everyone,

Terry Gallagher is a loving husband to Mimi, a great father to three beautiful children (one adorable girl with alopecia), a coach, mentor and a very dear friend of mine is diagnosed with colon cancer on 7th January 2008. Terry and family have ever since beaming like a great lighthouse in a world of turbulence, trials and suffering, not shining towards themselves but towards to God. Bringing us back to what truly matters in life.

Their faith has been the strongest and never a slightest hint of blaming God or others for their pain at the moment. Even going through many the tiring and invasive procedures to treat his cancer, Terry never forgets to put a smile on his face for his family and never forgets to acknowlegde his friends and supporters. We're blessed that Terry continues to inspire us everyday through his faith and family. Let us all say a prayer to thank God for him and ask the Lord to sustain Terry and family according to His wisdom and grace as they fight and win this battle of cancer.

I have attached one of the post from Mimi, Terry's wife (Hope you find it inspirational and helpful)

"Hi this is Mimi. It has been a LONG time since I last posted but I have enjoyed reading Terry’s take on life lately.

Tomorrow is a big day for us and we ask that you keep Terry and our family in your prayers. We are meeting with Dr. Grothe, our oncologist at 9:45 to review the results of the CT scan that was performed on Friday of this past week. Thanks to Jamie Engel who drove Terry to and from Mayo for the day of tests. Jaime’s assistance with transportation allowed me the opportunity to host a gathering for Rose’s dear friend, Sarah Larson, who will be moving, with her family, to Kansas at the end of next week. The Larson family has been a rock for us and was instrumental in assisting us with our initial visit to Mayo. We firmly believe that God placed them in our lives when we so needed them and now He is moving them to Kansas to continue doing His work here on earth. We will miss them terribly and we wish them many blessings in their new home and new community.

We are all anxious about the news tomorrow and are hopeful that we will have stable conditions or shrinkage. We know that stable is good as it means that the treatments are arresting growth and shrinkage would be a HUGE bonus!!! The kids are nervous as they know that this time around is far more challenging than one year ago.

We had a family meeting before Terry’s last surgery to let the kids know of the new challenges with the recurrence of the cancer. Tommy commented that “this isn’t fair”. He is correct. Many things in life are not fair. Yet we did explain that God has given us a gift. We know that Dad has cancer and we now know that he is no longer “curable” according to today’s drugs etc… We also know that every day is a gift and God has given us the opportunity to know the importance of making memories, every day. Each day our kids and Terry or Terry and I have an opportunity to make memories. Whether the memory is a great vacation or just watching a movie with dad or learning something new from dad we can make each and every interaction into a memory. Terry and I knew that we should have been living with this mentality all along but we were so busy in our day to day activities that we failed to make the most of every day. We encourage each one of you to make a memory today and every day with your loved ones. We are fortunate to understand the need to make memories and recognize that many lives are lost in a moments notice without ever having or taking the time to leave behind the memories that were desired. Make the most of everyday. Hug and kiss the ones you love and let them know how important they are to you.

Thanks for your continued prayers and all of your support. We are blessed to have all of you in our lives.

May God Bless You Today and Always!!!

Mimi "

I am practically in tears after reading this post, I was saying to myself "the husband, the wife, the children shouldnt be going through all this at all".

Want to know more about Terry's latest update? Please drop by his website journal at . Drop him a message and support him and his wonderful family. I am blessed greatly to know Terry and his family and have the blessing of meeting them in 2007 and look forward in meeting them again.


Please click
here to visit Terry Gallagher's website.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This post is actually my comment to a blogpost featured on Alopecia World forum

"Normally, hair growth have three to four phases. The anagen (active growing phase), catagen ( involuting/ regressing phase) and telogen (arrested phase) and less notible exogen (shedding phase)UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. At any time most of the hair (about 90%) is in the anagen phase, a few % in catagen, and about 10% in telogen phase.The hair on our head have long anagen phase (several years) and short telogen phase ( a few months) while our eyebrows have shorter anagen phase (several months) and longer telogen phase (more than a few months). This explains why our hair in much longer and actively growing on our head while our eyebrows are shorter.Many studies have related alopecia areata with the hair growth phases/cycle. Many results suggest that the T-lymphocytes have held the hair follicle arrested for a much longer period (abnormal) in the telogen phase, as well as catagen phase (which then is related to exogen...when the hair shed).So basically, for people like me with alopecia universalis. I have about 80% of the hair on my scalp under abnormally long telogen phase or catagen phase while only a few dozen strands scattered across my head with normal hair growth phases. Thats why I still need to shave my head at least once every two days to keep my head clean.While we still couldn't predict our hair loss, we still know what is happening to our hair.You can check more information about what happened to our hair follicle as in alopecia areata at my blog @ and click onto the alopecia archive/label starting on February 17th ( a series of article about alopecia areata) which I have written a few months earlier.Hope you'll find it useful and informative.Take care.jt"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God made everyone for a reason.

A blog adapted from Alopecia World ( posted by Alex "Did things change or am I just noticing them more?"

"I've had Alopecia for as long as I can remember. My entire life I've dealt with the stares and double takes, just like everyone else. For the most part, it didn't bother all. I would brush it off and not take any notice to it anymore. Walking through the mall or anywhere else, I expected people to look, so I almost stopped realizing when this happened. Why then, is it starting to bother me all of a sudden? It doesn't make any sense.

Since I was little I've always gotten compliments. People constantly tell me how they wish they could be as confident as I am. Strong and confident. Am I strong? Confident? Does not caring what other people think make me confident? Or does it just help me mask the reality of living with a disease that is not "acceptable" (for lack of a better word) in today's superficial world? I don't know anymore.

And who do I talk to? Of course I have everyone on this website and people that I've met at the conventions over the years, but words just don't seem to cut it anymore. What is there to do? I have beautiful wigs, but that's not me. I don't feel like I should hide who I am to please other people. Then what is it?

Maybe it has nothing to do with Alopecia. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm depressed and don't know why. Maybe this is my scapegoat. Again, why? I have a great life: family, friends (I think), a home, clothes, food. I have more than some people unfortunately can only dream about. What am I missing that is making me feel so miserable lately?

Music is my therapy. I just sit and listen. I think about the words and how I can relate or not relate. As I was writing this I had my iTunes on shuffle (I cannot even think without some background music.). "Lucky" by Britney Spears just came on, and I think that is pretty much how I feel right now. "She's so lucky, she's a star, but she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart thinking, if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?" This pretty much sums up everything I'm feeling right now. "

My reply to Alex is:

"Hi Alex,

I might have too much to say again. Nope, reading your blog has not bored me to death, how could it be if one of my alopecian friends needed a pair of listening ears?

I agree that the society has placed too much on superficial look than it actually worths, and it doesn't mean that when most part of the society is wrong, we should also adhere to the value.

If there is people judging us by how we look or what we have or not have physically, then I feel sorry for them. As I have said in my earlier reply to another post, the works and values of people who hold on in their life will stand the test of time, for they will be remembered for decades, centuries because of their works and inspirations. I couldn't think of one person who is remembered for centuries to come because of their physical attractiveness. Even the prettiest girls and handsomest boys cannot escape the reality of aging and eventually meets death.

Let me set you a story, tulips and roses are planted in city gardens where many people can adore. They bloom into glorious beauty and colour under the breath of spring. People in the city and by the road, would stop by, complimenting the flowers and take pictures of the flowers...etc...but soon enough they fade away and be forgotten.

However, the fruit trees are different. For example, the apple trees, they are not planted in city streets where many people can come and adore, a fruit tree may look like an ordinary tree where people does not appreciate, but when it blooms and bear fruit...the apple tree is the most beautiful of all...and it does not stop just there, the fruits supply nutrients and become food that feed the hunger and provide to the poor, countless people benefit from it.

The society may not think that alopecians are beautiful, we may not be the jewel of city, we may not be "attractive" to a big part of the society. But do not be disheartened and discouraged because I am sure then, when the time'll realize you're better than many "superficial" people out there.

Talking about Britney Spears, she had all the she has or a person could ever ask for, famous, rich, pretty, a partner, a family but yet it all meant nothing to her because of her poor choices.

At the end of the day, it is the choices we make in life will change everything and not whether we have alopecia or not.

Joshua "

God made everyone for a reason, and everyone is important! Remember that! If you're not a beautiful tulip, you might very well be a blossoming fruit tree!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Correlation between Alopecia areata & smoking?

This post is adapted from Alopecia World forum

and this is what I replied to the discussion:

"There is no scientific paper suggest that there is a significant correlation between smoking & alopecia areata yet, I am not aware of any test/ survey being done on the matter also.

1. It is widely accepted both by alopecia patients and scientists/ dermatologists that alopecia areata can be triggered by stress. Stress also comes in various form, physical/ physiological, psychological, pathological or any combinations of the mentioned..etc. Eventhough there is no scientific evidence on the connection between smoking & alopecia, I believe that smoking can be a predisposing factor to alopecia areata. (As per any foreign event/ particles in the body could induce an auto-immunity state). In short, smoking is a form of physical stress of the body indirectly and to the lungs directly.

2. Smoking as a mean to relax the mind and mental/emotional state, statement is valid & factual. One thing for sure, it is not relaxing to the lung and also the heart. While you're relaxing your mind and resting your brain at one time, at the same time you're also comprising the well being of the other vital organs of the body. Why don't you find other means to relax your mind without comprising the health of the other parts of your body. Just as much as you love your mental status/mind/brain, you must love your lungs and heart as well (in addition to the liver and kidney which made up the 5 vital organs of the body).

3. a little more fact about the lung, the lung surface are generally and mostly covered with thin pneumocytes type I (Lung cell type 1) which is responsible for gas exchange (Oxygen-Carbon dioxide exchange), oxygenated blood subsequently distributed by the heart to the entire body. Pneumocytes type II, on the other hand produce surfactant that provide integrity to the lung (thus preventing it from collapsing-atelectasis). Pneumocytes type I eventhough are plenty, their biological component is that it is higly susceptible to toxic insults/ infiltration and they do not regenerate/ or replicate, meaning these cells responsible for gas exchange does not regenerate after the cells die. The lack of cells for gas exchange, will result in lacking of oxygenation, and the tissues send signals to the body to increase breathing rate and heart rate, in order to restore the constant and adequate oxygenation to all body tissues. Well, it is true, some have smoke heavily for decades and yet still healthy, we must praise God that He had created reserve "lung tissues"- functional reserve to sustain our living, our lung's functional reserve is at least 50%-75%, meaning we can still live healthily with one side of the lung removed. So what, some may say, like my own grandfather, who smoked for over 70 years and he is now 97 years old.

I believe, those who smoke and still live long, could live even much longer if they didnt smoke.In conclusion (everyone at this time will say, Praise the It doesnt matter much if smoking worsens alopecia areata or not, because it matters more that smoking actually add burden to the lung directly and the heart indirectly. Well, the lung and the heart are definitely more important than my hair.

Hair is just another ascessory tissues (play some role) to the skin, while the lung and the heart are major vital organs that sustain the quality of life and eventually life itself! Only if the heart and the lungs are visible on the outside of our body, the society then will pay a lot more attention to them!I dont mean to give you a lecture, I presume your occasional cigar would be more like a weekly habit rather than a daily habit.

I agree that smoking does add to the fact that can provide some form of calmness to the mind and relieve anxiety and ease emotional stress. My motto "I love my lung and my heart just as much as I love being calm to my mind", so I'll find another way to relax. If you're not thinking of quitting smoking, my next advice would be "Moderation is the key".

Take care and God bless."


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Air France Flight 447 Tragedy - a mouthpiece for opportunist?

Air France Flight 447 scheduled on 1st June 2009 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean hours after taking off from Rio De Janeiro enroute for Paris.

A tragic accident that took many beautiful lives and changed thousands of lives forever. While the family and friends of the victims still mourning over the loss of their loved ones. A wound that would take years or even decades to heal yet will still live a scar in one's broken heart, people around the globe watched the news with sympathy to begin with. Soon enough, their sympathy fades as soon as the media coverage fades away.

This tragic accident (less than a month old) which took so many wonderful lives has already been used as a shameful mouthpiece/ argument material for some ignorant quarters of the society. While there are many examples, I would only pick two most ridiculous, ignorant of how this tragedy has been used to sastify one's hunger to be right or correct (= one that thinks they know the best)

1. I have come across a comment from a religious person of the Christian faith, who with pre-conceived judgement said that probably none of the 228 person on Flight 447 from Rio to Paris on June 1st 2009 have prayed sincerely to God for a safe journey.

This is an outrage statement! This comment was made without a sense of human sympathy/ sensitivity for the victims and their friends and family! In addition, it is an insult to the Christian faith and God. God and the Bible has in NO where warrants or validate that people with the Christian faith would not endure hardship, sickness, pain and eventually death itself in life! I am deeply disgusted with such statement.

2. An atheist quoted the tragic event as an incident to prove the inexistence of God.

Rubbish! It's like seeing a bird on the ground for that moment and proclaimed that the bird cannot the fly the next minute. Without sense of sadness and sympathy for the victims especially for those with faith in God, the person who made the statement rob the already broken hearts of many to be used for his personal belief/ argument. (I'm not going into the debate of the Existence of God)

The two outrages statments made above must be condemned by all right-thinking people. Let us continue to set our prayers, thoughts and comforts to the family and friends of the victims of flight 447. On a personal note, both who made the statements are actually playing god themselves. The former acted if he is Deputy God, speaking on behalf of God while the later acted if he is Guardian of God by declaring God does not exist.

let us all set our heart and thoughts in a good spirit with love and kindess towards all.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by this tragic accident.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Global economy slump, who are the victims?

With everyday headline coverage of the global economy crisis in the media. Who is the most unfortunate in victims of all?

Definitely not the shareholders or executive officers or board of directors of Chrysler or General Motors of the US Giant auto vehicle industries. The most affected would be the middle classes and more so for the general workers working in various plants which faces the threat of unemployment and ultimately the lost of the mean to provide to the family.

While the economists, bosses, executive officers, shareholders worry about their stock exchange, and restructuring of their bussiness and companies, they have forgotten the most fundamental business or corporate ethics of looking after the welfare of the employees, who some have worked many years and loyally. For most, people working in blue collar jobs are not only often underappreciated but they are first ones to be kicked out in the face of crisis in the corporate/ business world.

Some bosses touched by the torn of human conscience have even agree to reject a pay rise in their salary. What about the hundreds of thousands or even millions dollars of expenses paid by the company/ business for family vacations, food, leisures, or some even private jets?

It is most shocking to see some top executive officers besides being paid more than millions a year, are claiming other mostly non-essential benefits from the company often more than their basic salaries!

I am not saying whether the executive officers should be paid or given those expenses or not but how about those working as blue collar jobs?

Far more unfortunate are those who are already living under poor conditions of less than a dollar a day and without the excess of clean water and basic sanitation!

They continue to go hungry, thirsty, sick, cold as usual or perhaps more during the global economy crisis when charitable organisations are among the hardest hit in the current economy downturns.

While many groups fight for social equality in various causes around the globe, one of the most injustice situation remains by large in silence. The poorest among the poor especially in Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America has to plead for help instead of fighting for fair and equal treatment they should be receiving.

In short, with the current global economy slump, who are the victims?

The answer would be those who are already victims of social and economy injustice before beginning of the the current economy crisis.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

People sent from heaven

On 15th May 2009, it was exactly the day two years ago when I reached the United States the for first time by boarding a plane with a flight ticket bought by a person (including her wonderful friends & family) that at the end proclaimed that it was a gift from God to her.

Eversince, this question of thought was raised in me "What did I do to deserve such kind and generous treatment?", its been years when I started pondering deeply on the question. I thought from the east to the west in search for the answer, thinking the best things or best attributes I have or done in the past (eventhough it is improper to think highly on one ownself) to deserve such kindness and generosity, but all is in vain...

At last, after nearly two years of search for the answer, the actual answer does not come and cannot be found from me. An answer from heaven has humbled me that it was not really about me, myself or I but the true answer lies within the giver herself.

Just as much as a bird is to fly or a dog is to beg for food :) (Let me try again...)

Just as much as God is to love, the giver herself (which I am the taker/recipient) is generous and kind. Yes, the answer to my question is NOT what I have done or not done or even who I am BUT it is who the giver/ person is WHICH is nothing lesser than a kind and generous soul sent from heaven.

It is not who I am or or what I have done BUT it is about who the giver is WHICH is a kind and generous soul.

I am blessed with so many genuine and kind friends. I thank the LORD everynight for all of you.

Thank you for being yourself/ yourselves, nothing lesser than a kind and generous soul.

Thank you.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Response to intensive 3 months of prednisone treatment for AA

My response to three months of prednisone treatment for Alopecia areata. (As posted on Alopecia World website)

I am going to voice my opinion as brief as possible into three aspect Physiologically, Philosophically & Psychologically. I'm into veterinary medicine and we even use prednisone for animals but never longer than 7 days. However, I need more specification/ details in term of the dosage of prednisone and the route of administration. However, my response is based on the recommended prednisone dosage being used over this three months of treatment (given systemically).

The physiological aspect:

Side effects of Prednisone:
1. Risk of developing diabetes
2. Weight gain (also increased risk of Cushing's syndrome- hyperadrenocortism)
3. Facial swelling / ascites/ edematous
4. Depression, euphoria, or behavioral changes
5. Fatigue or lethargic
6. Vision impairment
7. Ulcers / Mouth sores
8. Osteoporosis
9. Insomnia
10. Joints & abdominal pain
11. Cataracts
12. Anxiety
13. Blood vessels diseases

1. Rash
2. Diarrhea
3. Frequent urination

In short, I am strongly against the use of Prednisone for more than 7 days as recommended for the treatment of Alopecia areata and what more for 3 months. ( Again, very dosage dependent)

The philosophical aspect:
One must set priority right, naturally and normally in our body as designed by God. Hair is just a part of the body, when we are compromising the conditions of other major organs and vital organs and the IMMUNE SYSTEM in the sake of getting our hair back, I seriously urge people to re-examine their thoughts and decision. The compromises made would probably led to one the side effects mentioned above (Under recommendation, the use of prednisone is not more than 7 days or give and take 14 days). Three months is almost 12 folds higher. One must be compromising their quality of life and even their LIFE if agree to be subjected to the treatment regime. In short, it is philosophically unwise when one opt to regain a non-vital part of the body by compromising other vital organs and even LIFE itself!

The psychological aspect:It would be thrilling and exciting to have my hair back. It would be perfect and awesomely great if I can have my hair back just with a simple faith without compromising my quality of life and my loved ones around me. I have been living with AA for more than 20 years and with AU for more than 6 years. I would definitely sacrifice alot for my hair to grow back as long as my sacrifices are practical, logical and sensible (i.e the more people I help, the more hair I get...etc) In short, our psychology needs to grow through proper thoughts and knowledge together with practicality and wisdom.


I couldn't read all the response to this discussion but I have read that some are willing to take this kind of treatment regime and some are trying for more than a few weeks already. I would like to add that some are taking calcium supplements to prevent the side effects of having osteoporosis while treating alopecia with long-duration of prednisone. Let me remind everyone to remember the amount of burden one is putting on the kidney. Kidney has to work extra hard for drug elimination and calcium mineral. The liver has to work extra hard for drug metabolism. The heart has to work extra hard due to the increase of blood viscosity due to the effect of drug, calcium supplements together with the ongoing comprimising of liver and kidney.

AGAIN, I AM STRONGLY AGAINST THE USE OF PREDNISONE FOR MORE THAN ONE MONTH (INJECTABLE into the body system) /TWO MONTHS (ORALLY) FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALOPECIA AREATA. * Local subcutaneous injection on the scalp are still acceptable once every two months (three times = six months)



Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Day reflection


I know it's more than a week since Easter but nevertheless the Lord is still risen, aren't he? Here's some youtube reflection that I would like to share.

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter. Praise the Lord.


At the cross...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Thursday reflection

As the christian calendar marks today as the Holy Thursday with several significant occasions, it was the official starting of the passion of Christ when he was betrayed into the hands of those who wanted him to be killed.

Christ knew what was going to happen to him and felt the intense burden and heartache that he had on his shoulder when he prayed to Heavenly Father in Gethsemane. If we were to go back to that particularly time, knowing that he is Christ...what would be our reaction? Run away or fight for him? It was not for us to decide.

Let us all, christians (and non-christians) reflect on the beginning of this historical event that transcended across our physical realm of time and matter.

Let us reflect on the creator of heaven and earth that call us his friends on this special night:


Now, let us focus our spirit and mind on Christ who loved us so much...


*This series of blog is specially dedicated to people of all faiths (including atheist, agnostics), as all us learn about each others' different faith and so at the end of the day, we respect other people's choice without being judgemental and narrow-minded.
*However, this blog is not for discussion or debate forum for inter-faith matters.
* I just wanted people to know what Christianity is all about, just as how much I am learning about others' faith and thus respecting their belief.
* Hope all is greatly inspired and to christians, hope you find strength in your faith again.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wouldn't the T-lymphocytes around the hair follicle die?


I receive a question that what if the excessive T-lymphocytes around the hair follicles of a patient with Alopecia areata dies or will they live forever?

We're alive today because our body is alive, our tissues are alive and so does our cells (We're living organism because we're composed of living cells)

Yes, eventually all cells have to die however the life span of each type of cell varies. (Normally our red blood cells live about 120 days, they lost their membrane integrity due to wear and tear, and eventually destroyed by the spleen.)

T-lymphocytes also have its life-span. In human, the T-lymphocytes (Special/ specific Soldier) can survive between 3 to 6 months (The more wear and tear, the shorter the life-span) and B-Lymphocytes can survive between 1 to 2 months).

In my previous blog, I talked on the functions of T-lymphocytyes (the Cytotoxic and Helper cells), I was merely talking about effector Lymphocytes (Special/ specific Soldier). The second type of lymphocytes by function is memory Lymphocytes (Special/ specific Messenger). Memory lymphocytes stayed in the periphery tissues and blood circulation for an extended period, responding quicker upon the same specific exposure of antigen by providing instant information to the effector Lymphocytes (In this case, we're talking about the self-antigen of the hair-follicle).

Memory lymphocytes (T & B cells) live somewhere between 3 months to 5 years with 1% of the memory lymphocytes living up to 20 years (Vaccination that we get annually? or once every five years i.e. hepatitis A, B as booster?...much related to memory lymphocytes).

With the word memory alone, the dysfunctional T-lymphocytes found around the hair follicle or an Alopecia areata patient, kept on producing a specific dysfunctional response against the hair follicle.

Theoratically, (Memory Cells with the time element) we can now basically explain why some Alopecia areata patients:

1. Experience little regrowth but then fall off again...

2. Have a very long duration of disease...

3. Believed to be of genetic basis...

More details...(Wait for the next blog or post me a question)


Saturday, March 21, 2009

A letter response to Jon's ex-school

Hi everyone, I am brought to the attention that a highschool kid with alopecia areata has quit school due to the school/ district authority refused to allow him to wear a head gear even with official writing from dermatologists.

Below is my written response to the school's authority (sent on early February 2009) based on the kid's mom letter/discussion on an alopecia forum.


5th February 2009

Our Ref. No.: aasc/asia/oletter/01FEB09-01

Mrs. A., Principal
West Seneca East Senior High School


Mrs. A.,

Hello. It is brought to my attention (from a letter written by Sharon Lesakowski- attached for our reference) that a student has quit your school due to the school authority’s refusal to allow him to wear a head covering even though he is diagnosed with alopecia areata (Hairloss due to a medical condition).

The excuse given by the school authority is almost absurd, laughable and mostly unprofessional as per the context given by Mr. Wiley, Assistant Superintendent on a return phone call to Sharon Lesakowski that Jonathan’s way of dealing with his affliction (wearing a bandana) was not acceptable.

This may not be a perfect analogy but it is good enough to reflect a medically illiterate faux pas. It provides an impression that as if the school will penalize a student for flashing gang signs where as the student is actually deaf and communicating in sign language. In this case, it is a student being penalized for promoting gang image where as the student is actually suffering alopecia and requires a head covering to protect his scalp. I believe that you are aware or at least read about alopecia areata. Even though alopecia areata is not a life-threatening or infectious disease itself, covering the hairless area especially the scalp is more than just a psychological comfort to the alopecia patient. Technically, Jonathan’s option of wearing a bandana has physiological reasons behind it. The physiological aspects, a bandana:

1. Keep the head warm during winter.

2. Keep the head (skin) from over exposed with UV during summer.

3. Keep the sweat from going into the eyes due to the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes.

As long as the attire does not offend others in the school, a bandana (with no offensive symbols or design) is not a violation a dress code or district policy given a medically certified condition as what Jonathan has. The school’s policy in Jonathan’s case (his rights) is itself a violation of the United States Constitution’s Bills of Right. In addition, the school’s policy discriminate alopecia patients (in general) of the right to protect their scalp with a bandana. About 2% of the human population and up to 5 million peoples in the United States are affected by alopecia areata (Sources by National Alopecia Areata Foundation, NAAF and National Institute of Arthritis, Musculo skeletal and Skin diseases, NIAMS).

As an education institution, the school has failed to provide a comfortable environment where knowledge is to be imparted without partiality and favour, in this case to Jonathan (for wearing a bandana to protect his head). As an alopecia patient myself, I felt insulted and discriminated by the excuse given by the school authority. Equating bandana wearing in general to promote gang image itself is an unacceptable reason and an insult to community of alopecia patients and patients suffering hair loss due to secondary effect (like hormonal problems, burnt victims, cancer patients).

Personally, I hope that the school authority and responsible personnel to provide a full public apology to Jonathan and his family, nothing short of a personal apology and also issue a public apology via local media. I strongly believe that being in the education profession, one should be courageous enough to admit and apologize for the mistake done whether by moral obligation or work ethics.

I am also affected by alopecia areata and have lost all my hair on my scalp. If I were to come to your school to seek education and I chose not to wear anything to cover up my baldness, would I later be “accused” or “penalized” for promoting the skinhead gang because I appeared bald at school? Therefore, I urge the school’s policies/ school district policies in particular the out-dated attire policy to be reviewed immediately in line with proper sensitivity to the medically unwell and needy patients, upholding the Bill of Rights as enshrined in the United States Constitution and finally to function as a school to provide education and conducive environment for students to receive education to avoid unacceptable mistakes like Jonathan’s situation in the future. All kind of responses is most welcome. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Note of about hair follicle (Alopecia areata patients)


Hair follicles are extremely tough and robust. They are able to take multiple insults and despite being disrupted by the immune cells, the hair follicle are capable to regenerate given the right conditions (subject of research), even after many years of insults/punishment.

The fact about hair follicle mentioned above has been a driving force for the search of a cure for Alopecia areata and it is also an explanation why some patients will have their hair back after many years of being afflicted by Alopecia areata.

So, do not be discouraged and keep your head high!


My previous series of blog about Alopecia:

1. Explaining Alopcia areata and the immune system.

2. Understanding the Lymphocytes found around the hair follicle.

3. Alopecia areata as auto-immune condition.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Should Alopecia areata patients strengthen their immune system?

Basically, the ultimate cure for Alopecia Areata would be to "tell" or "inform" the T-lymphocytes of our body (Specifically those who are targeting our hair follicles) that the "social security number" of hair follicle tissues are of our own body and NOT foreign.

So, should we strengthen our immune system?

Yes, the T-lymphocytes still plays a great role in our well being and defense mechanism against specific bacteria, viruses and prevent rapid proliferation of mutated cells (cancerous).

Therefore, systemic steroidal treatments are not encouraged to treat Alopecia Areata in long term, as it would "weaken" the ENTIRE Immune System. Its like, SHUTTING off the COUNTRY's entire police force because a few police made a mistake and arrested THE COUNTRY's own citizens as illegal immigrants.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alopecia Areata as Auto-immune disease

In my previous blogs, I talked about the immune system in relation to alopecia areata and then I talked about the normal functions of T-lymphocytes.

Why is Alopecia areata considered as an autoimmune disease?

Each different cells/tissue of the body has their own "social security number" / receptors (non antigenic) and the T-lymphocytes normally identify the "social security numbers" that does not belong to the normal tissues found in one own's body and attack them. For example, the immune system, including lymphocytes is triggered to attack the foreign infectious agents and abnormal proteins found in the normal body. (Different "social security numbers" of the various pathogenic bacteria, viruses...etc)

In Alopecia Areata, the T-lymphocytes somehow identify the specific "social security number" (self antigen) of the hair follicles as foreign infectious agents/ non self and could not distinguish it for being of the part of own body and start "arresting and attacking" the hair follicles....and now the person suffers from Alopecia Areata.

Medical definition for:

Antigen- Any substances which is capable, under appropriate conditions, of inducing a specific immune response..

Self antigen- Any constituents of body's own tissue capable of stimulating a specific immune response/ autoimmunity.

(Its like the police arrest you as for being an illegal immigrant when you're actually a citizen of the country)


(For information on Alopecia & Support, pls visit AASC-i or join Alopecia Areata Support Community)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Understanding T-Cytotoxic & T-Helper Lymphocytes

Hello everyone,

From my previous blog (Explaining Alopecia Areata & Autoimmune Disease), I talked briefly about Alopecia Areata and then proceed to the discussion of the Immune System.

I have touched on the microscopic presence of T-Cytotoxic and T-Helper lymphocytes excessively on the hair follicles of a skin biopsy taken from a patient with Alopecia Areata.

Before I go on further to explain why Alopecia Areata is recognized to be an autoimmune condition. Let us watch the videos below to understand the normal function of T-Cytotoxic and T-Helper lymphocytes in our body's immune system.

T-Cytotoxic (Lymphocytes)
*Note: Antigens are proteins that are able to produce an immune response (E.g. proteins of bacteria, viruses)
-function to eliminate antigens by releasing cytoxic properties/substances.

T-Helper (Lymphocytes)

-function to eliminate antigens by signalling other immune cells.

Thats all for today, I shall talk about Alopecia Areata as an Autoimmune Disease at a later date. (I shall continue our discussion in about a week from now)

At the end of this series of blog, if the people who read and learned about Alopecia areata still behaved rudely and even jeer at people suffering from Alopecia areata. I shall make an official declaration on this kind of people.

As for the rest, thank you very much for your support, patience and interest in Alopecia areata.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Explaning Alopecia areata & Autoimmune disease.

I would like to begin my first official blog by posting a subject that is not life-threatening but life-altering. The subject is Alopecia Areata (Widely believed to be an autoimmune disease).
As an Alopecia areata patient, I have been laughed, stared, commented rudely and even be labelled as a member of the skinhead gang in the public multiple times. I've even heard from the public calling women with alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis, crazy womens, Alopecia universalis patients as freaks who shaved their eyebrows and pulled off their eyelashes.
Children are being laughed and jeered as baldy, alien or even hairless monsters! Enough is enough! If we are not bound by the Rule of Law but rather the Law of the jungle, I would have given a smack or two slaps on the faces on people who laughed at children with Alopecia areata.
  • So, to whoever (on condition that you're civilized, with brains in the body, I don't care where your brains is, as long as you have one in your body) want or have showed rudeness, ignorance to children and women with alopecia especially and also to my fellow brothers. You are welcome to read my blog.
To those who live with Alopecia areata or live with/know someone you loved with Alopecia areata, you are most welcome to read my blog.
  • First of all, Immune system and Autoimmune system does not exist separately. The term "Autoimmune System" does not even exist whether in scientific or medical definition. There is only Immune system and Autoimmune disease/condition (One of many ways the immune system can breakdown).
  • However, "Autoimmune disorder, Autoimmune conditions, Autoimmune diseases" are often used interchangeably and Autoimmune disorder/conditions/diseases is merely the failure of the body Immune system to recognize one own self (cells and tissues) and therefore "attack" (produce an immune response against) the host's (e.g human) own cells and tissues that makes up the normal structure of the physical body.
  • Let us not discuss in depth into scientific terms but rather an explanation based on basic science.

The immune system in general, works in two general pathways:

  1. Non-specific immunity (innate pathway)- eg. the physical barrier of skin, acid in the stomach, phagocytics cells in blood that eats up bacteria in general...etc
  2. Specific immunity (pathway)

Alopecia areata falls into the minor malfunction of the Specific immunity (pathway).Under Specific Immunity, it further subdivides into two components:

  1. Passive immunity- (e.g transfer of antibodies from mother's milk to baby)
    and Alopecia Areata (Autoimmnue condition) is narrowed down to the minor malfunction of the Active immunity.
  2. Active immunity- response upon stimulation (e.g vaccination, exposure of disease, infection)

Under Active immunity, it further divides into two categories:

  1. Humoral immunity ( produced by B-lymphocytes)- e.g production of antibodies like Immunoglobulins, IgM, IgG, IgE...etc.
  2. Cell-mediated immunity (T-lymphocytes)

* Another type of lymphocytes besides B and T-lymphocytes is Natural Killer Cells (NK) which is part of the Non-specific (Innate pathway) immune system.

and the identified culprit (agreed by most) for Alopecia areata is the T-lymphocyte cells (T-Cytotoxic cells which destroys cells) and (T-Helper cell which tells the other white blood cells to destroy cells and enhance the B-lymphocytes to produce antibodies specifically)

Under the microscope: a skin biopsy of a patient with Alopecia Areata shows

  • Extensive T-Cytotoxic and T-Helper cells are present surrounding the hair follicles, "attacking" them, so in laymen term the hair follicle is "under siege". Hence, the hair follicle cannot produce any hair, and the nutrients supplied for hair growth is BLOCKED by these T-lymphocytes cells and their allies.

So, above the surface of the skin, no hair is present (Alopecia= a clinical symptom of absence of hair on skin where they normally are/ should be).

Why is Alopecia Areata often starts as circular patches extending outwardly? What's wrong with the presence lymphocytes around the hair follicle and why Autoimmune disease?

I will discuss that in my next blog. Thank you for reading.


p/s: You may want to visit Alopecia Areata Support Community or read about Alopecia Areata at AASC-i if you find my blog interesting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog Overview & Introduction

Hello friends and guests,

Welcome to my blog. "Speak Up" is created based on the principle and inspiration by Proverbs 31:8-9 of the Bible. It will address core issues like poverty, hunger, war, disease of the oppressed and suffering not neglecting in Alopecia support and awareness. This blog will also cover human rights issue, animal welfare, political, social and economic injustice.

For lighter subjects, you may visit my other blog "Photo Journalism".

Or even to find out why I am bald and want to know the condition better, please visit "Alopecia Areata Support Community" or "AASC-i".

Thank you and God bless us all.

(Blog should be updated with new post every week or at least once fortnigthly due to my personal busy schedule, my apology)