"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,for the rights of all who are destitute...Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Aung San Suu Kyi
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Months have gone by...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The predicament unwanted pregnancies
However, the family must realize the universal value of support and love for any family member that has made a mistake, in the case an unwanted pregnancy.
Western values might differ with Eastern values of treating unmarried pregnant family members but it is time for the families in the East to adopt a culture of receptivity and forgiveness and support for a member that fell into the mistake of unwanted pregnancies.
Parents who were too busy in building material wealth have forgone the importance of building a relationship with their children.
Education policies and educators continue to shun the importance sex education.
Society's continue emphasis of the "feel good" factor rather than the "do good" factor is mainly be blamed. Profit-minded culture in business rather than charitable-minded culture. The ever greed for more money and physical pleasure has brought cast a shadow over the good spirit of human nature.
In the end of the day, the ever increasing cases of baby dumping holds everyone in the society accountable that includes myself. Let us all change our heart and minds for society that is caring, loving and charitable.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Baby/ Fetus dumping getting rampant these days in Malaysia
These babies may be the result of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies by large. But how could some one with so little respect for life! Social illness of rampant wild living without sense of responsibility and regard for life and morality.
Baby dumping is a good indicator of plunging moral values in ones society to the bottom.
I support the call of various NGOs, to criminalize baby dumping and prosecute the offenders for murder if post-mortem reveals that the baby/infant was born alive.
In addition, I support the call for prominent lawyer and opposition leader YB Karpal Singh (Democratic Action Party National Chairman) for capital punishment for the offence of child raping. If not, a life-time imprisonment!
May the Lord have mercies on the soul of these poor innocent children and I am sure He does and loves them dearly in heaven at the very moment.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Been awhile...
I have finished school and started to work three weeks back...so I'm settling in at my new place...will be back to blog really soon.
God bless
Thursday, June 24, 2010
FIFA World Cup 2010
Back after World Cup! Waka Waka...
Wish the joy of hosting the World Cup will bring peace and prosperity to the African continent.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Love plant earth, love its' Creator
For atheists, enjoy the youtube clip and say it out loud that "there is no God, there in no God" for at least 7 times throughout the clip and you'll passed as one of the scientists that say all life on earth is result of the "Big Bang", "Chance" & "Evolution".
That's all for this time. Next time, I will blog about an amazing man of God. Whose faith, spirit and courage will stand the test of time, a person that is close to the heart of God through his faith the thankfulness to God for his life, a great person- Nick Vujicic.
God bless.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Some extra time to think about alopecia
It is funny that now I'm waiting for the official news/words from a few potential employers...suddenly, I have so much time for my own...couple of hours of packing or helping others to pack, some jogging, sit-ups and push up...here and there, watch my favourite sitcoms "Everybody loves Raymond"...I still have plenty of time to spare.
Well, it gives me time to think of my alopecia more often, its like I feel more aware of my alopecia than before I was still a full-time student ( happy to say that I WAS a full-time student). So, after so many years of schooling and dealing with alopecia universalis. Now, i'm in the transition period to become a full-time working adult. So, where am I at coping with alopecia? Full acceptance?- I dont think so, its pretty impossible when everyone around you pay so much attention to their hair or people staring at my smooth legs. But I'm not sad with my alopecia but rather I am proud of it. Alopecia has not only define how I look but also how I live my life. A life blessed with so many friends/ angels sent by God.
If God asked me today: would I trade off my friends for my hair back/ a couple of inches taller?....My answer would be an affirmative: NO!
A couple of reasons why I said "NO"...
1. NO. Because beauty comes from within, I may look better with hair and a couple of inches taller...but what do I get in the end of life? No matter what, our body will return to dust one day. 100 years from now, people will not remember how good looking I was but rather how many friends that cherished and celebrate a person's life.
2. NO. Alopecia may have lead me to my friends and how could I abandon my friends just have my hair back? The amount of love, support, prayers and even money pour into shaping who I am today can never be replaced with a full head of hair which would turn gray and decay one day.
So, at the end of the day. I must admit to the fact that world put more/ over emphasis on physical appearance and outward beauty but I will not surrender anything that truly matters in life for physical appearance. A very tough war! And time will only tell that I have make the correct answer...as we all should go for things that will stand the test of time. :)...hair may come and go but genuine friendship will always have a place in your heart and spirit. :)
So, God...I thank YOU for who I am today!
God bless everyone.
Monday, May 3, 2010
In Christ Alone...
Praise the LORD!
In Christ alone. All things are possible. Its good to be back in the blogging world :).
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Light the World and Darkness Flee...
People, take up your candle and go light your world!
May inspirations from heaven change our lives and the world.
Taking a 3 weeks break. Will return to blogging on early May 2010.
God bless our hearts.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Above All- Christ died for us...
Why it is called Good Friday? When Christ, Son of God, an innocent man was crucified?
Why isn't it called the Evil Friday when the devil was successful in inflicting severe pain in God's own heart?
Good Friday is called good because GOOD triumph over EVIL with LOVE, the most powerful weapon that is not known for those who dwell in darkness.
Have a good weekend, everyone. God bless.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sexual abuses in the Catholic Church
There should be no cover up by any authority in the Church. As "men" of God, they must and should be subjected to the court of law if not more severely dealt with. People come to God through Christ not priest. It is better for the sheep without an immediate shepherd rather than putting a wolf among the sheep.
These sexual offenders must be expelled from priesthood and must be prosecuted by the civil law, lest they taint the image of Christ.
Christ has such a deep hatred and anger towards the acts of people who mislead the little ones (children) that he said : "If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." ~Matthew 18:6
If a shepherd sees a wolf among his sheep, wouldn't he drive the wolf away? and keep the wolf away?
The Catholic Church headed by the pope (shepherd) must not tolerate the presence of wolves among the sheep! especially the One that the pope served has such a deep disgust for sin against the little ones!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Genocide in Nigeria
The recent killings of christian villagers in Joss, Nigeria is strongly condemned in all possible terms. All peace loving people of faith must exercise their belief. Killing others in the name of God is an act of the demon. All quarters must exercise restraint, to the victims - rest in peace. To their family, my deepest and sorrowful condolences. Some very graphic images are popping out on the internet but I have not posted them on here.
Who would ever have a heart to burn and slash harmless, innocent children and women???
This must be stop, all peace loving people and Christians must come together in prayer and peaceful-activism to end this violence. Love your enemies, the LORD said...it is certainly almost impossible but let us remember the that vengeance belongs to the LORD.
LORD, hear the cries and sufferings of the little ones.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Atheism- a battle against the existence of God in a war against God?
But why a sudden surge of atheistic activism or movement in the past 20 or 30 years? I do not know exactly why but I believe that hypocrisy in the Church has been one of the major causes. Do not get me start going on the hypocrites in churches today, I myself find it very hard not to become one in today's society.
Atheism blossoms into many thoughts and even into different categories. It also gave rise to agnosticism and many more lately.
The very fact is that
1) God/god will not be more real, more "existing" if there is more people believe in God/god
2) god/God will not be less real, less "existing" if there is more people "know" that there is no god/God.
Christians say God exists beyond the universe while Atheists say god is non-existence.
1) Christians must remember that their faith in God doesn't give them the right to judge or condemn Atheists but an absolute right to educate them.
2) Atheists must that their knowlegde in the inexistence of god doesn't give them the right to judge or condemn Christians but an absolute right to educate them.
An argument against the abuse of it is not an argument against the use of it. An argument in the abuses in God's name is not an argument against the existence of God.
Therefore it is important to get certain issues clear before engaging in the debate of the existence of God.
p/s: That's all I have to say for now since I have not posted for a very long time
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thougths & prayers to the people of Haiti
The sights and sounds of news everywhere sent a poignant reminder of how fragile life is, the terrorist attack in 2001 , Asian Tsunami in 2004, Hurricance Katrina in 2005...and so much more countless tragic events. It's heartbreaking to see so many lives being lost, even more so that many Haitians are already living in poverty.
Many would take this opportunity to question the compassion and mercy of God, and some would even question, and further challenge the existence of God. However, to people with faith in God, we must do whatever we can in helping Haitians, the victims in this disaster, at least a prayer for comfort and encouragement. Let us all say a prayer now...
Heavenly Father, great and beautiful is Your Name. Grant us a compassionate heart to weep along with our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Let our spirit be filled with love and mercy for people. I pray that the victims will be relief immediately by countless tiredless rescue workers, doctors and nurses caring for the injured, humanitarian workers and volunteers. The loss of loved ones would be the toughest of all kind of suffering as how You had lost Your Son, Christ on the cross on Calvary. However, let us and the Haitians not be discouraged, for you're the creator of life, and sustainer of eternity and full of love. Embrace and comfort the lost, the injured, the sick, the children, the women, the men...Hear our prayers, Father and hear not from the people who want You out of the world.
Here's a song I like to find comfort in whenever tragic even like this takes place...I dont have time to make a music video from the Haiti earthquake, but nevertheless the sight and sound of Sept. 11 Attacks will enable us to feel the pain for those who lost their lives and the victims of tragic events like the latest in Haiti.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Christian churches attacked in and around Kuala Lumpur
The principles which govern our life and lifestyle are those that the Lord Jesus Christ gave us in HIS Sermon: (Matthew 5:3-12:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Christians all over Malaysia will remain calm and look at God for comfort and strength. Christians will not and must no retaliate with violence as it would dishonour the word of our God and an insult to God Himself.
Deliver us from the evil doers oh, Lord our Father.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy, Blessed and a Fantastic New Year!
December 2009 had been an extremely busy month for me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I do not think that it is too late to wish everyone a happy, great, and a fantastic year ahead in 2010!
I would like to quote a New Year's message from a person which I have deep respect for. He said:
"Let's make 2010, a year of massive action. We possess a remarkable capacity to determine the outcome of our lives. It's not what we say, or wish, or hope, or intend...It is only what we do that counts. Let's do all we can do. May 2010 be a spectacular year for all of us!"
Thank you. Happy blessed New Year!